VKV clay quarry machine control pilot project

In Vatutine, Imerys mine and process clays, chamottes and metakaolin products for the refractory, investment casting, ceramics and building industries.

VKV clay quarry machine control pilot project


Vatutinsky Kombinat Vognetryviv (VKV) kaolin quarry is located west of Kiev in Vatutine, Ukraine. Kaolin is a type of clay that is generally white or grey with subtle color variations and is composed of kaolinite, quartz, and other impurities in small amounts. It is classified into four distinct grades based on its chemical structure and refractoriness. Kaolin is utilized as a raw material in the refractory production, as well as in the manufacturing of plant, stoneware, and earthenware ceramics. Additionally, it is commonly used in the cement industry.

Our challenges

Gosselin Mining consulting engineer faced several challenges under this backhoe excavator machine control project for Imerys. At the corporate level, three quarry sites were selected for implementation of the mining equipment machine control telematics and production systems for small mine environment. Gosselin mining engineer consulting was tasked with implementing and project management of this new technology at the VKV open pit kaolin mine in Ukraine.

Our solutions

We untertook to provide mining technology evaluation and assessment in order to select the best solutions and suppliers for Imerys industrial minerals group.

Project highlights

Our experts managed this project within the deadline and to the satisfaction of the client.

  • Mining equipment machine control
  • Project management
  • 3D block model integration in backhoe shovel
  • Suppliers evaluation and selection for production system monitoring in small mines
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