Why Gosselin Mining consulting engineer?
As a leading technical consulting company, Gosselin Mining has a solid reputation and proven track record of success in the industry, having worked with more than 15 mining, metals and industrial minerals companies over the past two decades throughout the world.

What sets Gosselin Mining apart?
Gosselin Mining has the resources, competence and experience needed to meet the tasks and requirements at every stage of mineral project development today and in the future.
Here are a few of the problems we solve that continually frustrate customers.
- We help you get paid faster and develop world-class assets responsibly.
- We help you cut cost and grow cash returns to shareholders.
- We help you reach new customers and capture new markets.
- We help you refresh your plans and better communicate results.
- We help you ensure the safety of your people and eliminating any safety risks.
- We help you increase productivity and do more with less.
- We help you understand the variability within your mining process and manage the uncertainties.
- We help you know what are the problems out there and build a game plan for the future.
- We help you secure, develop high quality assets and operate sustainably.
- We help you innovate and deliver industry-leading value creation.
- We help you get people with expertise and do the right value-adding work.